Tips on Choosing a Mattress for Back Pain Sufferers

There are numerous mattress options on the market. When a person suffers from back pain, it may be due to the bed that is slept on each night. Uncovering the best mattress to alleviate back pain will be extremely beneficial. When a person is in pain, it becomes difficult to sleep. When a person loses sleep, it will affect the entire day ahead. Here is a look at how to choose the best mattress to suit individual back pain problems.

How Firm Should A Mattress Be?

Many people believe that the best way to get rid of back pain is to sleep on a firm mattress. This is not always the case. Sleep studies have been done by orthopedic physicians that recommend that a person should sleep on a mattress that is medium firm. This will allow for proper support and alignment of the spine, hips, and shoulders. A completely firm mattress will not be able to conform properly. A pillow top mattress may not be able to support the body either.

What Mattress Type Is Best For Back Pain?

It is essential that a person choose a mattress of the correct construction and material. The best mattress to relieve back pain will keep the body in proper alignment without placing strain in any one area. Innerspring mattresses are some of the most popular choices, but often fail to properly support the back. Usually, the hips and shoulders will push against the springs and leave parts of the back without cushioning. This puts the spine at a strained angle during sleep.

On the other hand, mattresses made from latex or memory foam will offer better comfort and support. These mattress types conform to the natural shape of the body and keep weight evenly distributed. This alleviates a great deal of strain from the back.

Other Helpful Hints

Even the best mattress may take time to get used to before positive results are felt. A person of heavier weight may require a thicker mattress to receive adequate support. If a person suffers from back pain after sleeping, it may be best to try a reclining bed. Certain times, sleeping flat is the ultimate problem. Adjusting the bed’s incline will keep both the back and legs free from extra pressure.

The best mattress to get rid of back pain will depend on individual needs. People have different body types and sleeping preferences. Most times, it will be best to choose a medium firm mattress that is made from memory foam or latex. In the end, sleeping better will get rid of back pain and make a person more productive.


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