A huge percentage of our body is comprised of water. On average, an adult body contains about 60% water. The human body can last weeks without food but only days without water. Water is absolutely essential to our life. So, what foods do you think contain the highest water content? 💦
- Cucumbers (96%) believe it or not is tied at the top! Most of its hydration is from the skin that also contains Vitamin C and caffeic acid. These two elements help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling.
2. Iceberg Lettuce (96%) shares the lead with cucumber! Its great for salads giving a crunch to your foods and keep you hydrated! Iceberg lettuce is also cholesterol and sodium free!
3. Celery (95%) has incredible benefits with 3 celery stalks providing natural salts to help replenish levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.
4. Zucchini (95%) belongs to the squash family. Zucchini is low in fat, contains no cholesterol and has only 21 calories in every 1-cup serving of raw pieces. A good source of nutrients like Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin K.
5. Tomatoes (94%) is a super fruit with tons of vitamins and minerals. Loads of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, and manganese
6. Watermelon (92%) is exactly how it is described and the name speaks for itself! It has tons of beta-carotene, lycopene and Vitamin C. It will help your eyes, keep your skin vibrant and help your immunity strong.
7.Strawberries (92%) has lots of antioxidants and folate which help maintain low-blood sugar.
8. Green Peppers (92%) has loads of vitamins and minerals that include Vitamin C, thiamine, Vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.
9. Spinach (92%) is also rich in magnesium, potassium, and B-vitamins, all of which are known to increase your energy.
10. Cantaloupe (90%) contains the same amount of potassium as a banana. Its perfect after a workout since it helps maintain fluid-balance, muscle function and bone strength.
11. Pineapple (87%) is packed with bromelain which is an enzyme. It is potent with anti-inflammatory properties, detoxifying and digestive immunity-boosting benefits.
12. Oranges (87%) is a everyones popular fruit. It contains more than 100% of your daily recommended value for vitamin C as well as plenty of potassium known to help the body restore its fluid levels.
13. Raspberries (87%) is packed with fiber that helps keep your digestion in check and blood-sugar levels low.
Nonetheless, you should have some or most of these foods in your kitchen since they can be found in any supermarket and quite popular amongst everyone. Another good thing is that they are tasty and it has tons of vitamins and minerals that will really help you stay healthy! Enjoy and remember to eat within moderation.