Pine Needle Tea has long been a favorite with the early settlers such as the Native Americans both for it’s refreshment and for it’s medicine.

If you didn’t know but Pine Needle Tea contains 5 times the Vitamin C of freshly squeezed orange juice, and is high in Vitamin A. It is also an decongestant, and can be used as an antiseptic wash when cooled. So not only does it taste good, but it’s good for you! Each pine does have it’s own unique flavor, so experiment and see which needles you like best.

Just remember that while all Pines are evergreens, not all evergreens are Pines! So head out to the back yard or park where you can find it and positively identify your pine trees. Bring back some needles and give this one a try! The rest of the video my wife gives a simple and a quick summary how to identify the white pine, washing process, and making the tea. Enjoy!

Extra Info: Compounds resulting in curing menopausal symptoms, menstrual cycle symptoms, ADHD, erectile dysfunction (ED), slowing aging process maintaining beautiful skin, enhancing athletic endurance, and fertility.

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